Policies & Procedures

General Policy

Lifetime Eligibility Limit For Federal Pell Grant

联邦法律将学生获得联邦佩尔助学金的时间限制为6年全日制(600%)。, which is equivalent to 12 full-time semesters. 联邦法律适用于所有符合联邦佩尔助学金条件的学生,无论学生的第一笔联邦佩尔助学金是何时收到的.

Although, 学生可以在不超过12个学期的全日制注册或同等时间内获得联邦佩尔助学金, once a student has earned a Bachelor Degree, 即使他/她在全日制入学的12个学期中没有获得联邦佩尔助学金,他/她也不再有资格获得联邦佩尔助学金.

If a student has exceeded the 12 semester/600% maximum, 他/她将没有资格获得任何额外的联邦佩尔助学金和其他联邦和州基金. There is neither grandfather clause nor an appeal process for this federal regulation. 即使学生在过去一学期因学业成绩不达标而提出申诉,本规定仍有效. It supersedes any prior offer of aid and there is NO appeal or exception.


You can log on to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) using your FSA ID and password to view your LEU percentage.


确定您使用了联邦佩尔助学金最多6年(600%)的多少, please visit the Federal Student Aid website

Repeated Coursework Policy

PASSED COURSE(S): Per federal regulations, 学生可以重修以前通过的课程一次,以获得更好的成绩.

FAILED COURSE(S): 学生可以重修以前不及格的课程,直到该课程通过为止. However, 未能完成一门课程将影响您的学业进步标准.

Academically, 学生被允许重修一门课程,以消除不及格的成绩,试图获得更高的成绩,并获得更高的成绩的成绩单学分. 为了经济援助的目的,所有尝试和完成的学分将在评估满意的学术进步标准时使用.

Clock Hour Programs

某些职业课程的学习被认为是第四章规定的钟点课程. A program is considered to be a clock hour program if:

  • 该项目必须以小时为单位衡量学生的进步,以获得州或联邦政府的批准或许可;
  • 毕业生申请批准实习适用的职业,需要完成clock hours.
Payment Periods and Disbursement Procedure

参加全日制课程的学生的经济援助将根据上课时间而不是学期学分支付,并将根据课程的长短分为两次或更多次付款. 付款周期定义为教学时间的小时数和周数. 学生必须成功完成一个付款期的钟小时和周教学时间,才能进入下一个付款期.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

参加计时课程的学生将在每个付款期结束时评估满意的学术进展(SAP). At the time of review, 学生必须成功完成支付期间所需的时钟小时和周的教学时间. 最大时间框架以完成程序所需的累积时钟小时来衡量,并以日历时间表示. (Note that a student in a clock hour program cannot receive aid for hours beyond those in the program; the maximum time frame applies to the amount of calendar time the student takes to complete those hours.) For example, if the program is 1200 clock hours and meets 30 clock hours per week, that means the program is 40 weeks in length. 150% of 40 weeks is 60 weeks. 学生可以在参加该计划的60周内获得资助,以完成毕业所需的1200小时.

Consortium Agreement

该联盟协议是两所学院/大学之间的合同,承认您在每个地点的注册,用于经济援助目的. 它还证明两个机构中只有一个可以管理第四章和国家财政援助.


The Home School 学生就读的学校是否授予学位或证书, which is the school that will grant the student a degree.

The Host School is where the student temporarily takes courses, whose credits will be transferred back to his/her "Home School".

Student Checklist:

There are specific guidelines you must meet to complete this process:

  1. Complete Section I of the Financial Aid Consortium Agreement.
  2. Meet with your Academic Advisor to have Section II completed. Please make sure you meet the following requirements:
    1. You are enrolled at 澳门黄金城赌城 in an eligible program of study
    2. 您的学习计划要求您在接收学校获得批准的课程
  3. 与中国交建财务援助办公室的代表会面,审阅并签署本协议的第三部分.
  4. 中国中交经济援助办公室将财团协议提交给您的接收学校进行授权签名。. 接收学校将填妥的表格传真至中国中交经济援助中心处理.
  5. After completing the consortium term, 你必须要求接收学校提供成绩单,并在项目结束后不迟于30天内将成绩单发送到澳门黄金城赌城注册办公室. 请注意:如果没有收到成绩单或没有成功完成课程,可能会影响令人满意的学业进展.
  6. 对于任何处于“暂停或试用”学业状态(SAP)的学生,将不处理财团协议.

欲了解更多信息,请阅读澳门黄金城赌城的学生清单和认证部分 Financial Aid Consortium Agreement Form